Thursday, November 23, 2006

Documentary Photography - Newport - from a 1st year

Just in from James who started this September at Newport - good luck with the course and thanks for the info.

"Ive been studying documentary photography at the University of Wales, Newport for about 8 weeks now and so far I've learnt a hell of alot.

The first year is about getting you off your arse, onto the streets, speaking to people and actualy using your camera (i shot the same amount i did in two years at long road as i have done in 3 weeks here..) So its expensive as you can imagine but worth it. You get to meet so many interesting people when you have a camera round your neck - whom otherwise you would probably have never met.. (e.g im doing a portrait assignment on an retired gypsy boxer and i'm going hunting with him and his sons next week)

Only do this course if:-

- you had atleast one gap year after coming out of A levels.. (the average age on this course is probably 22) cos otherwise - if you havent been traveling or anything i doubt you'l be able to look after yourself as well - and know how to deal with different people. which is essential to documentary photography.

- you think you can organise and motivate yourself to actualy have a go at the course. as theres only 2 hours of lectures a week and its easy to do **** all if you want...

- you dont mind being stuck out in the sticks a bit as the universities about 5mins from newport itself but in a beautiful village called Caerleon (which has 18 pubs!) - newport's supposed to be a shit hole - but actualy its a wierd and wonderful time warp stuck in the 80's - which probably makes it one of the most interesting places to be doing Documentary.

To sum things up, the tutors know what theyre doing - theyre all working documentary photographers. The facilities are very good. The Library is very good (research). And the students on the course are really interesting as well - its good."


Blogger Johno said...

Thank you James, your blog there has confirmed this course is for me. Funnily enough I have put off university for some years in preference for self learning, traveling around, getting a feel for the world around us in preparation for a serious career in photo journalism.

I like the sound of the hands on approach, more learning through doing, than theory in classes.

3:01 PM  

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