Just heard from Stef - an ex-student from 2003. She is now in her 3rd year at Sunderland. Cheers for the info.
"This course is Art based.
I have stuck with Photography and some web and cd-rom design myself,
so while Video is available I can’t give information on it.
The course structure:
First Year
Technical skills are taught by means of various short practical
projects. There is also one written module (two barely essays, 500
words and 1000 words I think). There is an alternative printing module
available (this one is oversubscribed – first come, first serve).
Second Year
You have the choice between a self-negotiated project (you make up
your own theme) or a documentary project in which you produce a book.
You learn how to challenge stereotypes, work in a collaborative
project with someone of your choice outside the course and produce a
site specific project (not for gallery or book form) as well as
attending a colour photography module. Again there are two short
essays of up to 2000 words to write.
Third Year
In third year you learn how to work on a commission by means of yet
another practical project. You also have self-negotiated projects in
which you will produce a portfolio and work on your final exhibition.
Once a week you will attend an artist talk. The final written piece is
only 6000 words long.
The Staff
Lecturers and technicians are very helpful. If you ask for help their
doors are always open and they are happy to help. There are many group
and individual tutorials and a lot of importance is put on learning to
give each other constructive critique. Many of the lecturers are
associated with the IPRN and/or the Side Gallery.
Side Gallery: http://www.amber-online.com/
IPRN: http://www.theiprn.org/index.php
Darkrooms are mostly tray processing, but there is one b&w machine
processing darkroom as well. There is one (largely unused) enlarger
with which you can print as large as the wall allows as well as a
canvas printer.
There is a colour darkroom, a digital darkroom and a variety of high
res negative scanners and photo quality inkjet printers.
There are two studios, a large number of 6x6 and 6x7 medium format
cameras and 5x4 large format cameras are available from the
technician’s stores, portable studio lighting kits, video equipment (I
haven’t used this so you d have to get details from the uni) etc.
You can loan equipment from the university for free as long as you
provide your own insurance. (e.g. if you want to take out a large
format camera the insurance will cost you about £ 4 per month)
The Area
The north east is a very poor region. Although things are improving up
here there is still a high unemployment rate (most employment is in
call centres and manufacturing or retail. There are also jobs within
the uni). Living costs are therefore low.
There is lots of night life up here – getting drunk as fast as
possible being the aim for most.
Saying that, there are a lot of changes for the better happening up
here and if you are interested in going into documentary photography
you will find a variety of projects happening in the region which you
can use as a starting point for your own work (have look at the side
gallery’s website for instance).
Study abroad is available."
For more info click here.
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